Scrape Public Similarweb Data to Google Sheet

1 min read
Scrape Public Similarweb Data to Google Sheet

During a recent project, I stumbled upon something interesting that I thought was worth sharing: SimilarWeb has a public API endpoint that powers their Chrome extension, and it can be leveraged for automated traffic analysis.

What I Found

SimilarWeb's Chrome extension accesses a public API that provides traffic data for websites. This interface isn't prominently documented, but it's fully accessible and can be used to automate data collection for multiple websites simultaneously.

My Approach

  1. Script Creation: I used Claude AI to help develop a script that could interact with this API endpoint
  2. Automation Setup: Implemented the script in Google Apps Script to handle the data collection process
  3. Mass Analysis: Successfully analyzed over 3000 e-commerce shops in just minutes

The beauty of this approach is that it relies entirely on publicly available data that SimilarWeb themselves provide through their website and extension. I'm not accessing anything that isn't already available to users of their free tools.

If you're interested in website analytics or need to collect traffic data at scale, this method might save you considerable time compared to manual data collection.

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