I’ve found that these two following tipps in iOS Mail are quite unknown but really helpful, so here wo go:
1. Collapse the Email your composing!
We’ve probably all been there. Your writing an Email only to find yourself desprerate to check back to your list of Emails for a missing peace of information. Before iOS 8 that was actually not possible, you just couldn’t get the unfinished Email out of the way other than saving it as a draft. With iOS 8 you can! Just drag the top bar down and dock the Email on the bottom, it even works with multiple Emails!
2. Finding those drafts … easily!
So, say you had to save your Email as a draft … ever tried to find it again especially if you have multiple Email accounts set up? Well it’s not easy more so if you’ve forgot from which account you’ve composed it. But, look no further, just “long-press” the New Email Button in the lower right corner. There they are, you can even swipe to delete them!
Hope these tipps were new for some of you, let me know if you know another hidden iOS feature that other people should know about.